User's Guide
1 Tutorial
The following program prints a message from each process:
local mpi = require("mpi")
local comm = mpi.comm_world
local rank = comm:rank()
local size = comm:size()
print("Hello, world, from rank "..rank.." of "..size.."!")
2 Diffusion equation
This example requires the HDF5 library with MPI support and HDF5 for Lua.
The program diffusion_1d.lua
solves the 1-dimensional diffusion
equation by finite differences.
Execute the program with the desired number of processes:
mpirun -np 8 ./diffusion_1d.lua diffusion_1d.h5
Plot the time evolution of the 1-dimensional diffusion equation:
./ diffusion_1d.pdf diffusion_1d.h5