FFI C declaration composer

This example illustrates how to generate foreign function interface (FFI) bindings for a C library using the Lua plugin for GCC and the ffi-cdecl module. The C API of the library is extracted using a C source file that contains capture macros, and matching FFI C bindings are generated using the C declaration composer for GCC.

After following the installation instructions, you may run the example:

make -C ffi-cdecl

If the GCC plugin is not installed in the GCC plugin directory:

make -C ffi-cdecl GCCLUA=$HOME/projects/gcc-lua/gcc/gcclua.so

The FFI C bindings are written to the file C.lua:

local ffi = require("ffi")

int getopt(int, char *const *, const char *);
extern char *optarg;
typedef int clockid_t;
struct timespec {
  long int tv_sec;
  long int tv_nsec;
static const int RLIM_INFINITY = -1;

1 Usage

To generate FFI C bindings for a library, we compose a Lua script for the GCC C compiler:

local gcc = require("gcc")
local cdecl = require("gcc.cdecl")
local fficdecl = require("ffi-cdecl")

-- Output generated assembly to /dev/null

First, we define a function that captures C declarations in a table:

-- Captured C declarations.
local decls = {}
-- Type declaration identifiers.
local types = {}

-- Parse C declaration from capture macro.
gcc.register_callback(gcc.PLUGIN_PRE_GENERICIZE, function(node)
  local decl, id = fficdecl.parse(node)
  if decl then
    if decl:class() == "type" or decl:code() == "type_decl" then
      types[decl] = id
    table.insert(decls, {decl = decl, id = id})

Second, we output FFI C bindings for the captured declarations to a Lua file:

-- Formats the given declaration as a string of C code.
local function format(decl, id)
  if decl:class() == "constant" then
    return "static const int " .. id .. " = " .. decl:value()
  return cdecl.declare(decl, function(node)
    if node == decl then return id end
    return types[node]

-- Output captured C declarations to Lua file.
gcc.register_callback(gcc.PLUGIN_FINISH_UNIT, function()
  local result = {}
  for i, decl in ipairs(decls) do
    result[i] = format(decl.decl, decl.id) .. ";\n"
  local f = assert(io.open(arg.output, "w"))
local ffi = require("ffi")

]=], table.concat(result), [=[

-- Load POSIX real time extensions into global namespace.
local C = ffi.C
if not pcall(function() return ffi.C.clock_gettime end) then
  C = ffi.load("rt", true)

return C

The script is executed by loading the Lua plugin for GCC as follows:

gcc -S C.c -fplugin=gcclua -fplugin-arg-gcclua-script=C.lua.in -fplugin-arg-gcclua-output=C.lua

If the GCC plugin is not installed in the GCC plugin directory:

gcc -S C.c -fplugin=$HOME/projects/gcc-lua/gcc/gcclua.so -fplugin-arg-gcclua-script=C.lua.in -fplugin-arg-gcclua-output=C.lua

2 C capture files

For the purpose of capturing the C API of a library, the C header ffi-cdecl.h defines a range of capture macros. These macros are used in a C source file that includes the header(s) of the library. Each capture macro receives an identifier that refers to a C declaration or preprocessor constant.

Consider the following capture file C.c for the POSIX C API:

#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700
#include <libgen.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "ffi-cdecl.h"

/* capture a function */
/* capture a global variable */
/* capture a type declaration */
/* capture a struct */
/* capture a constant */

The identifier in the generated FFI C binding may be overridden using the preprocessor:

#define mygetopt getopt

3 C capture macros

The C header ffi-cdecl.h defines the following capture macros:


Captures the type declaration with the given identifier.


Captures the type definition of a struct, union or enum type with the given identifier.


Captures the type definition of a struct type with the given tag.


Captures the type definition of a union type with the given tag.


Captures the type definition of an enumeration type with the given tag.


Captures the function declaration with the given identifier.

Any subexpression containing an address-of, cast, or comma operator is replaced by its right-most operand.


Captures the variable declaration with the given identifier.

Any subexpression containing an address-of, cast, or comma operator is replaced by its right-most operand.


Captures the integer constant with the given identifier.

Any subexpression containing an address-of, cast, or comma operator is replaced by its right-most operand.