
Before installing the module, make sure to install the Lua plugin for GCC.

cdecl for GCC is available from a Git repository:

git clone

In the repository, checkout the latest release version:

git checkout 3.0.0

If you have GnuPG, verify that the tag is signed by the following key:

git tag -v 3.0.0
Primary key fingerprint: 2997 6EC2 2BD1 EBBC CC77  F3A6 183B D5ED 3527 8611
     Subkey fingerprint: 983B F9D0 F02A 6014 0CEC  529F 767E 12A8 C92A 31CB

The module is accompanied by a test suite:

make test

By default, the tests assume that the Lua plugin for GCC is located in the parent directory of the repository.

If the plugin is installed in the GCC plugin directory, override the make variable GCCLUA.

make test GCCLUA=gcclua

If the plugin is located in a different directory:

make test GCCLUA=${HOME}/projects/gcc-lua/gcc/

You may also specify the plugin directory in the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${HOME}/projects/gcc-lua/gcc${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"

The plugin may then be loaded by passing its filename:

make test